I can sum up the last six months of my life (give or take) in one word…change. If you know me, you know that I don’t like change. I will now take the time to blame my parents for me not liking change. You know why it’s their fault? Because things haven’t really changed a whole lot in Valley in the last 24yrs. My parents don’t like change. An example of this is that my parents have lived in the same house for 30 something years. But, whether or not we like change doesn’t really matter. It happens. Good old Webster’s defines change in at least 30 sum odd ways. Change- to become different…duh. Change- any of the various sequences in which a peal of bells may be rung…really? Anyway, through all the many definitions, the one that fits me (along with my circle of friends) is to pass from one phase to another. The old Byrds song just popped in my head…”To everything turn turn turn , there is a season turn turn turn. I know, it’s also in the Bible~ Ecclesiastes 3…guess that should have popped in my head first. Anyway, I’m surrounded by it! People have moved, gotten engaged, gotten married, had kids, changed jobs, and left the country (or are trying). People change, relationships change. The only thing that ever remains constant is God! He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. We all go through seasons of change. God knows who and what we need when we need it. There is more in my head and heart about this, but I’m having difficulty typing it out. Just so you know, I’m learning to accept change graciously because it is going to happen.
Amen! See you Thursday!